
Cheapside Village Hall

Welcome to Cheapside Village Hall

Cheapside Village Hall is set in the centre of Cheapside Village. Close to Windsor Great Park and the bustling racecourse town of Ascot it’s an ideal venue for birthday parties and other similar events.


The Hall can seat up to 50 people. There is a large kitchen with plenty of workspace for preparing food, a fridge, range-cooker, and dishwasher.


There is a small car park and a large garden adjacent to the parish council children's playground.


Home to Billy and Boo Preschool Cheapside, the hall also holds social events on the first Friday of the month, and regular yoga classes during the week.


If you would like to contact any of the committee members of the village hall, or have a general enquiry, please contact us via our Contacts page. 

Upcoming monthly events

Cheapside Village Family Board Game Night

Friday 4th April 7:30pm

Bring your own board game or play something new.

Free entry.

Cheapside Village Family Darts Social

Friday 2nd May 7:30pm

Bring your own drink + snacks

£1 entry per person

Cheapside Sports Fun Day

Date to be confirmed.

Compete against your fellow villagers in various events including tug-of-war, plus BBQ afterwards

Free entry.

Autumn Cheapside Village Hall Quiz Night

Friday 3rd October 7:30pm

Bring your own drink + snacks

Teams of 6-8 people, £1 entry per person.

Please enter by emailing us your team name to cheapsidevillagehall@outlook.com

Regular weekly events

Vinyasa Yoga with Pip at Cheapside Village Hall

Wednesday 6:45 - 8pm and Thursday 8 - 9:15pm  

Grow Yourself Yoga and Fitness


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